Quick, cheap and dirty Pi motion detection

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Revision as of 17:26, 30 October 2016 by Abbie Normal (talk | contribs)
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There a number of ways to detect motion using a Raspberry Pi:

  • A webcam with motion-detection software. Doesn't easily work in the dark, and high load.
  • Ultra-sonic sensor. High load and overkill. Save it for robot and drone projects.
  • Passive Infra-Red detector or PIR. These are simple, cheap and ideal for most projects.

There are many easy tutorials on using PIR detectors with the Pi, like this one, but what do you do when you want it now, there are no local parts places, and ordering can balloon in cost with shipping/tax and involves waiting?

Reduction to a problem already solved

Swiss+Tech unit in packaging.
Swiss+Tech board topside.
Swiss+Tech board underside.

Enter the discount stores: Dollarama, Dollar Store, Poundland, etc. These stores are great low-priced graveyards of small electronics that can be re-purposed to other projects. I've picked all kinds of stuff in these places: webcams, Bluetooth buttons, USB battery packs, etc, for pocket change. (See bigclivedotcom's YouTube channel. If you're curious about something, check his channel, because he's probably already taken one of them apart.)

There will probably be a variety of motion detection items: outdoor floodlights, etc. For this, I chose a Swiss+Tech salt shaker-sized motion-detection nightlight for a few dollars. (The company is in Ohio, the units are made in China, but it's Swiss+Tech, hmm.)

The unit takes 3 AAA batteries, has a switch on the side to turn it on. When it detects movement, it lights up for 45 seconds then switches off. I don't know if I need the nightlight, but why not? (I can already navigate by all the LEDs in my room, even with the blue ones taped over.) The case will be useful, so that I can mount it wherever and run a cable back to the Pi.

A Deconstruction of Falling Parts

On the back, there's a screw for the battery cover. That doesn't help. The case is held together by three snap-fit tabs on each side. I had no luck wedging a very fine straight-tip screwdriver into the front/back seam to pop it open. In the end, I used pliers to break a piece off the back and pop it open from the inside. I can run a cable out through the hole, so it's not a big loss. Now that I know where the tabs are, I might have more luck with the second unit. With some sealant, I think the case could be weather-proofed.

The circuit is an old school single layer PC board with the PIR detector, IC, 2 white LEDs, 2 transistors, various full size resistors and capacitors. A nice touch is that the components are labeled with their value rather a part number. It's quite easy to work with without a microscope and soldering micro-waldo. The AAA batteries and on switch run to connections on the board. The board was mounted on four plastic posts, with the tops melted to hold it in place.

The circuit (more or less)

The brains of the circuit is the BISS0001 IC chip[1], which seems to be common for PIR modules. In this video, Big Clive (dot Com) looks at a typical circuit and how to tweak it. Odds are, whichever unit you buy, it will have that chip.{{#evp:youtube|2dxhbXHYEG0}}

Battery-powered devices usually have to be forgiving for power supply voltage. Checking the BISS0001 datasheet, the supply voltage can be 3~5V, so it should be possible to use 5V from the Pi rather than ~4.5V from the batteries.

The detection output (BISS0001 pin 2) runs through a resistor to the transistor driving the LEDs. That seems to be the point that I want to tap for a Pi input. I could also cut it there and run a Pi output to the resistor and driver transistor to give the Pi control of the LED light. Connecting the two wires without the Pi would restore the original functioning.

Tx, or the on time after motion is detected, is about 45 seconds.


Detecting motion is fine, but how to tell good motion from bad motion (other than with safe words)?

  • Something you are
    • Eventually fingerprint readers will make it to the discount bin.
    • Are you up late? Detection at 3pm is good. Detection at 3am is bad.
  • Something you know
    • Passwords are so retro.
  • Something you have
    • Got smart phone? When my phone is in range of the house wifi, its MAC is assigned to a particular IP address. A simple ping on the LAN from the Pi will tell if I'm home.
    • Perhaps a re-purposed Bluetooth camera button?
