A Church's Lethal Contract - 2003-12-01
Imagine a church so dangerous, you must sign a release form before you can receive its "spiritual assistance." This assistance might involve holding you against your will for an indefinite period, isolating you from friends and family, and denying you access to appropriate medical care. You will of course be billed for this treatment - assuming you survive it. If not, the release form absolves your caretakers of all responsibility for your suffering and death. Welcome to the Church of Scientology.
{{cite news | first = David S. | last = Touretzky | author2 = Alexander, Peter | title = A Church's Lethal Contract | url = http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/Scientology/ReleaseForms/archive/razor-article-2003.html | work = Razor Magazine | date = December 1, 2003 | accessdate = January 14, 2017 }}
- 2003
- Anderson Report
- Barry Gaston
- Brian Anderson
- Brian Raftery
- David Minkoff
- David Miscavige
- David S. Touretzky
- Dianetics
- Disconnection
- Elliot Abelson
- Fair Game
- Heber Jentzsch
- Ida Camburn
- Introspection Rundown
- Janis Johnson
- Jeff Jacobsen
- Jesse Prince
- Joan Wood
- Judge Susan Schaeffer
- Justice Latey
- Ken Dandar
- Lawrence Wollersheim
- Leo J. Ryan
- Lisa McPherson
- Luke Lirot
- Mike Rinder
- News article
- Office of Special Affairs
- Razor Magazine
- Robert Minton
- Sandy Weinberg
- Scott Pilutik
- Secondary copy