Subway Scientologists Sacked - 2005-03-29

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F338.png Subway Scientologists Sacked March 29, 2005, Jen Chung, Gothamist

Anyway, the police have decided that the Scientologists' sale of Dianetics (we can't help but think of the Dianetics TV commercial music when we see the word) violates New York City Transit rules about vending (there is none) in the subways - the NYPD used plainclothes detectives and ejected some Scientologists from the station after issuing them summons. The Scientologists say the $8 they charge is not for the cost of the book but simply a "fixed donation," emphasizing that they are not a "commercial operation."

{{cite news | first = Jen | last = Chung | title = Subway Scientologists Sacked | url = | work = Gothamist | date = March 29, 2005 | accessdate = January 14, 2017 }}