Exempted, not vindicated - 1993-11-21
David Miscavige, chairman of the board for Scientology's "Religious Technology Center," said recently that the IRS decision to grant his corporate empire a tax exemption was "a major victory for us." He added: "We were under siege. . . . Now we've been vindicated."
His smugness aside, the business of Scientology, which is to sell vulnerable people counseling services at rates up to $800 an hour, was not vindicated by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. It was merely exempted from taxation.
{{cite news | title = Exempted, not vindicated | url = http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/sptimes/access/51798446.html?dids=51798446:51798446&FMT=FT | work = Editorial | publisher = St. Petersburg Times | date = November 21, 1993 | accessdate = January 14, 2017 }}