2014 Villain: Doug Ford - 2014-12-23
Doug Ford, we hardly knew ye—after all, you didn't show up to work much this year, or any other year since you took office in 2010 for the first and hopefully last time—but we certainly know enough to peg you as a villain.
Sifting through the farrago of disgraces that comprise your four-year foray into municipal politics (during which, it's worth mentioning, you accomplished almost nothing), one recalls the tinfoil-hat conspiracy theories, the paranoid and slanderous invective hurled at police Chief Bill Blair, the obvious and indefensible falsehoods pertaining to your brother Rob's alcoholism, and the unprovoked attacks directed at a group home for autistic teens.
And it's not just the number of fatuous comments and outrageous lies that astounds—the efficiency with which you delivered them is equally impressive. There was that homophobic rant about the Pride Parade, during which you mentioned "buck-naked men" five times in four minutes. There was the week during which you invoked "jihad" on two separate occasions. There was that time you lied (or were disingenuous, to borrow a term) 19 times in a three-and-a-half–minute speech about transit.