Blog: Abolition of Scientology Slavery - 2013-10-30

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F0.png Abolition of Scientology Slavery October 30, 2013, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

Contemplating the toxic waste that has come from the tortured mind of David Miscavige and relayed to the world by Scientology Inc and their ethics-challenged attorneys of late, I thought it might be a good time for some clarification.

During my hiatus from the subject of Scientology – 05-08 – I spent a great deal of time studying the abolition movement of the 19th Century. That included a lot of reading of the works and about the lives of the leading lights of America's second revolution; including Paine, Emerson, Garrison, Thoreau, Harriett Tubman and Frederick Douglass. I worked during '06 with an educational entertainment teacher I met at the Buffalo Soldiers Museum in Houston. She recruited me to play Old John Brown to her Harriett Tubman. We were invited to perform at the 2006 NAACP convention in Washington D.C. We traveled with all NAACP delegates by chartered train to Harper's Ferry for the NAACP's special commemoration to Brown and W.E.B. Dubois. Here is "Harriett" and me at the reconstructed old fire house at Harper's Ferry where Brown made his last stand:

During this period, probably the most influential work that directed my attention back to Scientology and contemplating the effects it had had on me and others was Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave. Particularly compelling to me was Douglass' description of his childhood realization of the first – and most viciously enforced – mechanic of slavery. That rule was that slaves were prohibited to learn. It is understandable. The slave holders correctly reckoned that if a slave learned to read it might lead to independent thinking. It might also lead to reading books and learning about the world outside the plantation. And of course that could lead to notions about expanding one's horizons and leaving slavery in order to do so.