Blog: Critical Q&A 204 - 2019-03-24
The weekly show where I answer viewer questions left for me in the comment sections of my Q&A shows or sent to me by email at This week, the questions I take up are:
(1) I follow STAND on Twitter (and Taryn Teutsch) just for shits and giggles. A lot of what I hear from the articles they share attempt to portray them as legitimate victims of religious persecution. My initial thought response, as a DL Scientology critic, is to say that we aren't criticizing your beliefs as much as the abuses that happen within the organization of Scientology. However, the more I think about it, I feel like I'm being naive in saying that. Do you think that the very policies about the fair game and financial practices of Scientology is a part of their "religious beliefs?" Is it silly to try to separate them?
(2) I'd like to pose a question on behalf of the protesters and people who engage Scientologists on the streets or have Scientologists in their family because I think that could be helpful for them: What questions or phrases would you recommend people using on signs or in a discussion to plant that seed of doubt? What should people have said to you when you were still in Scientology to get you to think about it more critically?