Blog: David Miscavige Espionage Alert - 2011-09-16

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F0.png David Miscavige Espionage Alert September 16, 2011, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

Reliable sources have informed me that Miscavige has acknowledged to OSA (Office of Special Affairs, Corporate Scientology's espionage network) that the overt harassment campaign was an EPIC FAIL. Of course, he is blaming it on OSA's "imbecile" execution while writing out of history that he was the one that ordered it and micromanaged into headlines from North America to Europe.

Partly in order to divert attention from himself, he has been demanding that all potential covert intelligence sources be activated and re-activated, YESTERDAY.

This all makes perfect sense watching from the outside. Just prior to April 17, when the South Texas Siege began, we had just devined an 18 month operation by OSA to put an old associate into our home. I informed the operative that I had determined whom she was working for. Within days the Ass Busters showed up in full regalia and until recently showed up to our driveway daily. While they still drive by and leer from the distance the daily driveway performances have ceased.