Blog: Flag OTC Leak Watch - 2014-04-26

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F376.png Flag OTC Leak Watch April 26, 2014, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

They are sparing no expense trying everything to find the leaks from the OTC, especially Flag.

After the failure of the multiple separate versions comes this next attempt failure.

An important programming note: because what is contained in these OTC Minutes is pretty much copy-text week to week (except more and more details are being eradicated) I am not going to publish any for a while. I might do some in a month or two all at once for comparison purposes. This is so I don't waste a lot of time on these essentially useless reports, but more importantly so the eager beavers in OSA won't know whether they have succeeded in stemming the leak. They can sit in mystery wondering what might be coming in the future. It's making it too easy for them right now as they know that nothing they are doing is working. A diet of mystery sandwich for a while will supplement their rice and beans.