Blog: Miscavige's Irish Faux Pas - 2014-01-14

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F376.png Miscavige's Irish Faux Pas January 14, 2014, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Here is why David Miscavige is so terrified of his "International Events" being seen by anyone outside the bubble. (You would think He would want all that good news disseminated far and wide?)

But the problem is that when what he says gets out into the real world, there are people who actually check the Shermanspeak(r) bs he spouts against FACTS. Pesky things them facts....

The New Years video went onto the internet yesterday and already it has hit the media in Ireland, because one of the "featured" videos concerned the Dublin Mission (which was a very sad little place when I went to visit it 2 years ago).