Blog: Portland Ideal Org Is Pathetic - 2014-08-07

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F376.png Portland Ideal Org Is Pathetic August 7, 2014, Mike Rinder, Something Can Be Done About It

Below is the real "ideal org" in the "first clear city", Portland.

We have earlier reported on the sad state of this org (see here, here and here) — even though it is used as an "example" of how things "boom" in ALL "ideal orgs" the minute their doors swing open. A fairy tale to match the Wizard of Oz, and in many ways the analogy is apt.

What you see is their OWN promotion. Proudly announcing that ALL their "most Dauntless, Defiant and Resolute IAS Supporters" were in attendance. It's THEIR shots, the best they have, not someone sneaking in for a "gotcha moment" that was taken during a break in the proceedings and the majority of attendees were outside smoking.