Blog: The Miscavige Ideal Student - 2011-04-26

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F0.png The Miscavige Ideal Student April 26, 2011, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

Now that you've seen the Ideal OTA, Ideal OT VIII, and one hell of a lot about the Ideal orgs of David Miscavige, let's take a look at his Ideal Student. A year, almost to the day, after having come to Corpus Christi with 19 other Corporate Scientologists - including Tommy Davis, Michael Roberts and the Duffs (Denise and Michael), Jan Eastgate, Chris Smith, et al - aboard Tom Cruise's private jet on a mission to "intimidate" me so as to kidnap JB, Michael Doven has been rewarded for his failed mission. Miscavige is now touting Micheal Doven as a celebrity of sorts: the first Golden Age of Knowledge Completion.

Get it people, four years after the release of the largest single cross order to Scientology Training in the history of Scientology, ONE person has completed Miscavige's line-up to hell. Is Michael auditing anyone? No. Is Michael even an auditor? No. Is he enrolled to become one? No. A year after having the opportunity to have his head screwed on straight by me personally, Doven has been taken OFF the Bridge. Here is the exclusive interview I had with Michael last April where you can witness Miscavige's ideal student acting like Miscavige's Ideal OTA Allender: