Blog: Truth vs. Greed in Israel - 2012-10-02
Dani Lemberger and the Dror Life Improvement Center of Haifa Israel are the subject of a lengthy article in a major Isreali newspaper, Haifa Dror Center v. Corporate Excess. (you need to register, free, to read the article) I think the article very clearly demonstrates what is more valuable, truth (supplied in abundance by Dani of Dror) or money (all Scientology Inc. will share is a gaudy building and a Hollywood, phony event). David Miscavige has spent upwards of $14 million on a building in Tel Aviv. Not only does it not delivery anywhere near the quality of tech as the Dror Center, it cannot even match Dror's quantity.
And on top of Dani and Tami and their dedicated staff blowing Miscavige and Scientology Inc. away on delivery (solely funded by donations made in exchange for services), when the media want to know about Scientology, they go to and publish Dani Lemberger while the Scientology Inc. org refuses to answer their simple questions.
Yet another country where Scientology Inc., despite throwing millions at the problem, is gone, non-existant, and irrelevant, while Independent Scientologists have picked up and carry on with Ron's work admirably.