Blog: Update from Debbie - 2012-03-15

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F0.png Update from Debbie March 15, 2012, Marty Rathbun, Moving On Up a Little Higher

There has truly been a river of warmth, kindness and support!

I just want to say thank you for your caring communications in answer to my post as well as through emails and Facebook messages. I have been quite amazed to receive literally thousands of such emails and messages.

I would like to make a point about all of this - if it wasn't for the unbelievable support we have gotten from so many this entire quest for truth and justice might already have been squashed. What has given us strength and resource has been the fact that so many people have come with support - information, brilliant ideas and funds to help with the legal defense. We have even had some help in getting more clients for our marketing business after losing many of ours. All of this has served to give us the strength and organization to be able to present the truth. And it is the truth that can pierce through 16 inch thick armor. And remember "truth is the only thing that can go through 16 inch armor plate steel."