Cathriona White Was "Purified" Scientologist: Report - 2015-10-02

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F117.png Cathriona White Was "Purified" Scientologist: Report October 2, 2015, THR Staff, Hollywood Reporter

Jim Carrey's late girlfriend Cathriona White was a Scientologist, Scientology journalist Tony Ortega claims in a new report.

According to Ortega, White joined Scientology four or five years ago, inspired by friends of musician Beck who reportedly encouraged her to move from Ireland to the U.S. to take Scientology courses. Ortega says he spoke with friends of White's who say Carrey knew White was a Scientologist when they first started dating in 2012.

"Cathriona's friends say that they were concerned about Cat dating Carrey again [earlier this year]," reports Ortega, "But they were assured by Scientologists they knew that Cat was emotionally prepared for the challenge of dating Carrey because, they said, 'She had just finished the Purif and was doing her objectives.'"

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | author = THR Staff | title = Cathriona White Was "Purified" Scientologist: Report | url = | work = Hollywood Reporter | date = October 2, 2015 | accessdate = January 14, 2017 }}