NY Scientology Chief: "I Smell Pussy" - 2008-05-28

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F243.png NY Scientology Chief: "I Smell Pussy" May 28, 2008, Candice M. Giove, Runnin' Scared, Village Voice

When Rev. John Carmichael, president of the Church of Scientology of New York, came face-to-face with a small contingent of Anonymous protestors this past Monday, he didn't engage them in a spiritual debate. Instead, he leaned into one member on a Times Square street and said, "Let me tell you this: I smell pussy." Then, looking squarely at the Anon added, "You in particular."

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | first = Candice M. | last = Giove | title = NY Scientology Chief: "I Smell Pussy" | url = http://www.villagevoice.com/news/ny-scientology-chief-i-smell-pussy-6670093 | work = Runnin' Scared | publisher = Village Voice | date = May 28, 2008 | accessdate = January 14, 2017 }}