Revealed: how Scientologists infiltrated Britain's schools - 2007-01-07

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F352.png Revealed: how Scientologists infiltrated Britain's schools January 7, 2007, The Sunday Times

Devotees of the Church of Scientology have gained access to thousands of British children through a charity that visits schools to lecture on the dangers of drugs. A Sunday Times investigation has found that Marlborough College is one of more than 500 schools across Britain where the charity has taught.

Critics of the charity, Narconon, say it is a front to promote the teaching of Scientology — the controversial "religion" founded by L Ron Hubbard, the science fiction writer.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | title = Revealed: how Scientologists infiltrated Britain's schools | url = | work = The Sunday Times | date = January 7, 2007 | accessdate = January 14, 2017 }}