Scientology Succession: Commenters of the Week! - 2011-12-24

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F11.png Scientology Succession: Commenters of the Week! December 24, 2011, Tony Ortega, Runnin' Scared, Village Voice

(Image blatantly stolen from shoopers at WWP)"Finally, a country that treats its people right!" We had a feeling that this week leading up to Christmas would be pretty quiet around the underground bunker. And boy, were we wrong! What a crazy week, and it all started Sunday morning with our usual Sunday Funnies. But many readers noted that this week's funnies weren't really all that funny at all -- in fact, they were kind of heartbreaking, showing how Scientology still wants your child for complete indoctrination and manual labor.

Monday, however, we lightened the mood by reporting on our breakfast that morning with one of our heroes, Paulette Cooper. We related for the first time her story of being plucked out of a Nazi camp as a child by a mystery man -- a Belgian who spent the equivalent of about $2 million to save 22 kids from the camp. And this week, more than one newspaper in Belgium followed up on our story. Paulette is hoping that the coverage will help her identify her benefactor.

On Tuesday, we came back to the subject of "Sea Org Success" poster boy Denny Chang. Our new friends Melissa Paris and Ramana Dienes-Browning each told us that Denny must have joined the Sea Org at only 14 to 16 in order to be as experienced as he claims in the flier.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | author = Tony Ortega | title = Scientology Succession: Commenters of the Week! | url = | work = Runnin' Scared | publisher = Village Voice | date = December 24, 2011 | accessdate = January 14, 2017 }}