Scientology Case Remains Unresolved - 1997-10-28

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F372.png Scientology Case Remains Unresolved October 28, 1997, Associated Press

BERLIN (AP) _ Federal judges considering Germany's fight with Scientology signaled today that they would not decide the central question of whether the Los Angeles-based church is a religion or a business.

The Church of Scientology claims widespread discrimination against its members in Germany, and had hoped for a ruling that would give it legal grounds to challenge the treatment of followers.

Scientologists went to court after the southwestern state of Baden-Wuerttemberg revoked the non-profit status of a local branch in Stuttgart in 1986. The state said the group was primarily concerned with making money by selling books and self-improvement courses, not the "idealistic goals" generally associated with a non-profit organization.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | title = Scientology Case Remains Unresolved | url = | work = Associated Press | date = October 28, 1997 | accessdate = January 14, 2017 }}