Category:Question Period
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Pages in category "Question Period"
The following 65 pages are in this category, out of 65 total.
- Call firm hands over docs related to Tory campaign - 2012-02-28
- Can Doug Ford learn from his mistakes? - 2019-10-28
- Canada must 're-think' relationship with China over pandemic: Scheer - 2020-04-19
- Chris Alexander on 'barbaric cultural practices': 'It's why we lost' - 2016-10-09
- Climate crisis behooves Canadian media to craft better response to disinformation - 2019-12-27
- Conservative pollster censured for misinformation campaign against Liberal MP - 2012-11-28
- Deputy Conservative leader steps down from post, endorses MacKay - 2020-07-13
- Doug Ford exposed the agonizing fragility of democratic traditions - 2018-09-13
- Doug Ford just urged Ontario students to wash their mouths out with soap - 2019-02-19
- Doug Ford Missed 61% Of Question Periods Since December - 2019-03-10
- Doug Ford Stands Behind This Photo He Took With a Group of Extremely Racist White Nationalists - 2018-09-24
- Doug Ford's cabinet shuffle amounts to putting lipstick on a pig - 2019-06-20
- Doug Ford's office calls Randy Hillier's allegations 'outright lie' - 2019-03-19
- Doug Ford's trained seals embarrass themselves - 2019-03-21
- Facebook's White Nationalist Ban Puts Spotlight on Conservatives' Faith Goldy Connection - 2019-04-09
- Ford Government Says It Spends 'More on Education' Than Any Government in Ontario's History. That Claim is False. - 2019-11-27
- Former Harper cabinet minister says Bergen's support of convoy hurts Conservatives - 2022-02-03
- Harper on defensive over media ban on return of dead soldiers - 2006-04-25
- Harper's dishonesty on display in latest Pentagon papers on F-35 - 2014-11-10
- Harper, Serial Abuser of Power: The Evidence Compiled - 2015-08-10
- How Doug Ford spends his days as Ontario's Premier - 2019-06-07
- How Many Times Will Ford's Education Minister Repeat These Four Misleading Talking Points? - 2019-12-04
- PC MPP Amanda Simard says she has 'pushed the limits' on criticizing her party over French services - 2018-11-27
- Pierre Poilievre: The Minister of Nepean-Carleton - 2012-10-26
- Poilievre the most likely contender to succeed Scheer: Conservative insider - 2019-12-20
- Premier Doug Ford Still Won't Disavow White Nationalist Faith Goldy - 2018-09-25
- Scheer denounces white supremacy after Conservative senator questions threat - 2019-04-10
- Scheer didn't follow through on renouncing U.S. citizenship - 2020-05-17
- Scheer not ready to remove senator Lynn Beyak from caucus - 2017-09-16
- Scheer says he won't renounce U.S. citizenship because he won't be prime minister - 2020-05-19
- Scheer Tries To Clarify Tory Stance On Abortion But Sows More Confusion - 2019-08-29
- Scheer's election as Conservative leader cheered by anti-abortion groups - 2017-05-29
- Speaker's riding shifted cash to Tory campaign ensnared in robo-calls probe - 2012-03-21
- Stephen Harper and the Theo-cons - 2006-10-12
- Stephen Harper Is Extending Parliament's Summer Vacation - 2013-08-20
- Stephen Harper's legacy: Good, bad and a dose of ugly - 2015-10-20
- Stephen Harper: master manipulator - 2015-10-15
- What is Jason Kenney's 'energy war room' good for? - 2019-06-21
- What We're Watching: Negotiations over House's return continue - 2020-04-19
- Who is Dean French, Doug Ford's now-undisputed second-in-command? - 2019-01-16
- Who's who in the election phone calls controversy - 2012-02-29
- Why Gun-Rights Advocates Partner With Islamophobic Groups - 2019-09-11
- Why One Liberal MP Joined Andrew Scheer's Ranks - 2019-03-28