'Tom Cruise' missile jokester arrested - 2007-02-05

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F0.png 'Tom Cruise' missile jokester arrested February 5, 2007, Declan McCullagh, CNET

A Silicon Valley figure who fled the country after being convicted in part because of a Usenet joke about Tom Cruise and Scientology has been arrested in Arizona.

Keith Henson, an engineer, writer and futurist, was arrested Friday in Prescott, Ariz., where he has been living for the past few years, and now faces extradition to California. Henson originally fled to Canada after the 2001 conviction. The misdemeanor conviction in California stems from a post that Henson made in the alt.religion.scientology Usenet newsgroup that joked about aiming a nuclear "Tom Cruise" missile at Scientologists, and Henson's picketing of the group's Golden Era Productions in Riverside, Calif.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | first = Declan | last = McCullagh | title = 'Tom Cruise' missile jokester arrested | url = http://news.com.com/2100-1030_3-6156516.html | work = CNET | date = February 5, 2007 | accessdate = January 14, 2017 }}