A night of engrams and clears - 2002-04-03

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F358.png A night of engrams and clears April 3, 2002, Sara Kelly, Salon

Next came highlights from the previous year: When race riots in Cincinnati last year left 87 people dead, said the simulcast's emcee, Scientology volunteer ministers (VMs) were among the first on the scene to quell the violence (never mind that not a single person actually died in the riots). While race-fueled shootings continued across the city, in Cincinnati's "ghetto," where VMs distributed Scientology's "The Way to Happiness" pamphlets, not a single act of violence was committed. And on a local radio show not much later, "a leading government official" presented "her vision of how to bring tolerance to her city." That vision, of course, was "The Way to Happiness."

At no other time in Scientology history, gushed the emcee — an early Don Knotts type — has L. Ron Hubbard's message been so potent. "Just since September, that LRH way to a world of decency has been placed in the hands of 1.7 million people planetwide."

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | first = Sara | last = Kelly | title = A night of engrams and clears | url = http://www.salon.com/2002/04/03/hubbard/ | work = Salon | date = April 3, 2002 | accessdate = January 14, 2017 }}