Baptists Resist Expanding Into Canada - 1983-06-04

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F43.png Baptists Resist Expanding Into Canada June 4, 1983, Marjorie Hyer, Washington Post

A California judge has ruled that Church of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard has proved he is not dead. The ruling came in a case filed by the reclusive Hubbard's estranged son, Ronald De Wolf, asking to be made a trustee of his father's estate because, the son claimed, Hubbard was either dead of incompetent to handle his affairs.

Superior Court Judge David Hennigan ruled that a seven-page response to the suit had been written by Hubbard and was not, as De Wolf, who broke from the Scientology movement, charged a forgery by church officials controlling Hubbard's interests. The judge gave De Wolf's attorney three weeks to try to disprove the authenticity of the document.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | author = Marjorie Hyer | title = Baptists Resist Expanding Into Canada | url = | work = Washington Post | date = June 4, 1983 | accessdate = February 17, 2017 }}