Charges alleged against apartment owner - 2006-05-16

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F218.png Charges alleged against apartment owner May 16, 2006, UPI

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., May 13 (UPI) -- Officials in St. Petersburg, Fla., have closed an apartment building and are looking into alleged fire code violations at other buildings owned by a same man.

The buildings are owned by Scott W. Snow, of Oldsmar, Fla. He refused to comment to the St. Petersburg Times regarding the code allegations.

Renters were told to move from the Chinook Apartments after inspectors found that earlier alleged violations had not been addressed, the newspaper said.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | title = Charges alleged against apartment owner | url = | work = UPI | date = May 16, 2006 | accessdate = January 29, 2019 }}