Church critic trailed, arrested - 2001-05-19

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F15.png Church critic trailed, arrested May 19, 2001, Deborah O'Neil, St. Petersburg Times

The elaborate surveillance effort involved at least three private investigators, one of whom befriended Prince by using a false name.

Church attorney Helena Kobrin, who has offices in Clearwater and Los Angeles, said her firm hires private investigators to protect the church from people such as Prince, a man she said has harassed parishioners and has a history of criminal behavior.

"We have hired for the church people who are former law enforcement who are involved in security for the church," Kobrin said. "If Mr. Prince is one of those people harassing the church, their security efforts may sometimes be directed in his direction."

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | first = Deborah | last = O'Neil | title = Church critic trailed, arrested | url = | work = St. Petersburg Times | date = May 19, 2001 | accessdate = January 14, 2017 }}