Church issue claimed in firing - 1991-06-26

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F23.png Church issue claimed in firing June 26, 1991, AP, Tulsa World

A claim by a former employee of the Narconon Chilocco New Life Center that he was fired for refusing to learn more about the Church of Scientology is "absurd," a Narconon official says.

John Allen, a former security guard at the substance abuse center, said Tueday he was fired because he wouldn't sign a two-year contract agreeing to learn more about the church.

"It was a two-year Scientologist contract," Allen said.

"They wanted me to study the theory of Scientology and take select courses."

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | title = Church issue claimed in firing | url = | work = AP | publisher = Tulsa World | date = June 26, 1991 | accessdate = February 6, 2019 }}