Church played dirty tricks on Cazares - 1980-01-09

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F0.png Church played dirty tricks on Cazares January 9, 1980, Charles Stafford, Scientology: An in-depth profile of a new force in Clearwater, St. Petersburg Times

WHAT HAPPENED then was described by government attorneys in a "Sentencing Memorandum" to U.S. District Judge Charles R. Richey in Washington earlier this month as he prepared to sentence the nine Scientologists.

"Shortly thereafter," the memorandum said, "defendant Hermann ordered Mr. Meisner to carry out an operation on Mayor Cazares during his Washington trip -- that operation was to involve a fake hit-and-run accident. Defendant Sharon Thomas was to be the main participant in that operation. She was to meet Mayor Cazares, drive him around town, and at a predetermined location stage a hit-and-run accident with Mr. Meisner as the "victim."

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | first = Charles | last = Stafford | title = Church played dirty tricks on Cazares | url = | work = Scientology: An in-depth profile of a new force in Clearwater | publisher = St. Petersburg Times | date = January 9, 1980 | accessdate = January 14, 2017 }}