Cruise big draw for British Scientologists - 2006-10-24

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F218.png Cruise big draw for British Scientologists October 24, 2006, UPI

LONDON, Oct. 24 (UPI) -- Tom Cruise provided some Hollywood glitter for a gathering of Scientologists in Britain.

The pricing system for a major fundraising banquet in Sussex was simple, The Telegraph reported. Those who donated the most got the choice seats, and since Cruise is a major contributor, he was seated near the stage, along with the other major patrons.

The most expensive seats at Saint Hill Manor in East Grinstead cost at least $1,900, the newspaper said.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | title = Cruise big draw for British Scientologists | url = | work = UPI | date = October 24, 2006 | accessdate = January 29, 2019 }}