Drug Rehabilitation Group to Rebuild School - 1989-06-01

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F23.png Drug Rehabilitation Group to Rebuild School June 1, 1989, Tulsa World

Narconon, a drug rehabilitation organization, has begun renovating buildings at the Chilocco Indian School near here.

John Duff, president of the non-profit group, said the renovation would cost more than $1 million.

The former school will become a 75-bed facility for the treatment of drug and alcohol abusers.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | title = Drug Rehabilitation Group to Rebuild School | url = https://www.tulsaworld.com/archives/drug-rehabilitation-group-to-rebuild-school/article_c9da2e7e-76d3-5353-baf9-07ebfdaf959b.html | work = Tulsa World | date = June 1, 1989 | accessdate = February 7, 2019 }}