Hidden Camera Scientology Stress Test - 2010-02-24

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F355.png Hidden Camera Scientology Stress Test February 24, 2010, FactVsReligion, YouTube

While I was in Philadelphia with Peach, Nick and Abby we dropped in to a Scientology center and they offered to let me do a stress test. the camera this video was filmed on was dangling around my neck at the time so sorry for the wobbly footage. The camera I used to record this video is called an MD80 Pocket Camera Recorder. You can get them on ebay for under $100

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | author = FactVsReligion | title = Hidden Camera Scientology Stress Test | url = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntpQHIzP6ZA | work = YouTube | date = February 24, 2010 | accessdate = December 20, 2017 }}