I'll be tracking the untruths - 2019-08-12

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F0.png I'll be tracking the untruths August 12, 2019, Russell Wangersky, Opinion, The Chronicle Herald

Here's a promise: I'm keeping score.

As we head towards the fall election, I'm going to keep a careful watch on what politicians are saying, especially on social media — because, like it or not, social media seems to be the place where campaigns seem happiest to play fast and loose with the truth.

Already, there have been clear instances where one party or another "reminds" us of something a politician on the other side has said.

Except it's not something the other politician has said at all — it's a massively torqued version of what they said.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | first = Russell | last = Wangersky | title = I'll be tracking the untruths | url = https://www.thechronicleherald.ca/opinion/columnists/russell-wangersky-ill-be-tracking-the-untruths-339947/ | work = Opinion | publisher = The Chronicle Herald | date = August 12, 2019 | accessdate = August 13, 2019 }}