Inside the Church of Scientology - 2011-03-06

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F361.png Inside the Church of Scientology March 6, 2011, Hamish Heard, Herald Sun

AFTER barely an hour in the Church of Scientology's new Melbourne headquarters the verdict is in: I am deeply flawed.

It appears I am in denial of a deep-seated depression, I am close to unlikable and a decade and a half of social indulgence has left me borderline dim.

On the plus side, Mark - my new mentor in Scientology - says I have a "can-do" attitude that, with the help of an $1800 "purification" ritual and countless dollars spent on cult literature, is enough to put me back on the path.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | first = Hamish | last = Heard | title = Inside the Church of Scientology | url = | work = Herald Sun | date = March 6, 2011 | accessdate = February 7, 2019 }}