Kellie Leitch shoots to thrill - 2016-12-21
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Kellie Leitch shoots to thrill December 21, 2016,

I've been thinking a lot about Kellie Leitch, the "Canadian values" MP running for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC). Mostly I've been thinking about who fits into her version of Canada.
Leitch, in case you haven't heard, has been playing the Trump (and race) card like a two-bit blackjack dealer on crack since she entered the contest to succeed Stephen Harper, wrapping herself in the Canadian flag while she's at it.
Some of the usual right-wing pundits have found in her their champion of the people, our Trump to "make Canada great again" – never mind that she's the embodiment of the "elites" she rails against: surgeon by trade, Dalhousie-educated, white house on 20 hectares in the country.
Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | first = Enzo | last = DiMatteo | title = Kellie Leitch shoots to thrill | url = | work = Now Magazine | date = December 21, 2016 | accessdate = February 14, 2020 }}
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