More Scientology Defectors Alleging Violence - 2010-03-08
In October, Martin Bashir delivered in-depth reports about the Church of Scientology over two nights, investigating its secretive ways and celebrity appeal, as well as allegations by some former members that leader David Miscavige struck members of his senior staff. Miscavige is pictured above with the most high-profile Church member, actor Tom Cruise. It is a thread that the St. Petersburg Times - the paper of record near the church headquarters in Florida - has needled at for years, breaking several major stories along the way. Yesterday, the New York Times joined the fray, with this front page report, "Breaking With Scientology," which looks at more troubling accounts from former Church members. In our report, the Church, through spokesman Tommy Davis, vehemently denied all accusations of wrongdoing by Miscavige, claiming that the charges are lies from disgruntled and discredited former staffers.