Pipsqueak promotion cheapens shuffle - 2013-07-15
Sometimes, in political life, you get credit for what you do. More commonplace are those occasions where you get none.
Consider, then, Stephen Harper's newly minted cabinet. Unveiled Monday, the big shuffle brought eight new faces to the cabinet table, many of them women. Considering Harper's cabinet previously had all the feminist sensibilities of the Mad Men TV series, this was noteworthy.
Among those who were elevated to the big kids' table were Calgary's Michelle Rempel, who is one of the most impressive members of this or any Parliament, and Ontario's Kellie Leitch, who is arguably one of the smartest. Apropos the age, we all found out about Harper's newfound enthusiasm for gender parity on Twitter, where it was declared the prime minister was "proud to be naming four new strong, capable women" to cabinet.