Police Probing Academy Course By Scientologist - 1983-03-20

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F43.png Police Probing Academy Course By Scientologist March 20, 1983, John Mintz, Washington Post

The D.C. Police Department is conducting an internal investigation to determine how members of the Church of Scientology, a controversial religious group that has been investigated by law enforcement agencies, were able to set up a course for recruits at the D.C. Police Training Academy, police officials said.

The course, taught by church members, was set up without the approval of Chief Maurice T. Turner Jr. and is contrary to the department's procedures regarding outsiders teaching police academy courses, according to Assistant Chief Theodore Carr.

Two Scientology members taught the first half of the training course, based on the church's teachings, to eight recruits last month with the approval of Inspector Horatius Wilson, then head of the police academy, church members said. The course was intended to help officers communicate with crime victims and citizens under stress, church members said.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | author = John Mintz | title = Police Probing Academy Course By Scientologist | url = https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1983/03/20/police-probing-academy-course-by-scientologist/8aa7bc4a-2a50-4cd3-b1b9-e563fe8b2216/?utm_term=.816956c51e5c | work = Washington Post | date = March 20, 1983 | accessdate = February 18, 2017 }}