School denies Scientology deal - 2011-03-23

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F0.png School denies Scientology deal March 23, 2011, Jewel Topsfield, WA Today

However, most of Yarralinda's income - $7765 per student - was allocated to paying off debts, according to My School.

A former board member at Yarralinda, Paul Schofield, who resigned in 2009, alleged the school's debt repayments were so high because the school had taken out a mortgage to lend money to the Church of Scientology for its headquarters in Ascot Vale.

"I was livid the school had been left with this debt in order to fund the Scientology building," he said.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | first = Jewel | last = Topsfield | title = School denies Scientology deal | url = | work = WA Today | date = March 23, 2011 | accessdate = January 14, 2017 }}