School unaware of link to Scientologists - 2008-06-11

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F0.png School unaware of link to Scientologists June 11, 2008, Janet Steffenhagen, Vancouver Sun

A Vancouver principal said his school was uninformed when it invited a group affiliated with the Church of Scientology to speak to a student assembly last month about human rights.

John Bevacqua, of St. Patrick regional secondary school, said he hadn't been aware that Youth for Human Rights International (YHRI) is part of the Scientology movement until it was brought to his attention by a staff member shortly after the group finished its presentation.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | first = Janet | last = Steffenhagen | title = School unaware of link to Scientologists | url = | work = Vancouver Sun | date = June 11, 2008 | accessdate = January 14, 2017 }}