Scientologists treat Norwegian addicts - 2004-12-06 a

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F218.png Scientologists treat Norwegian addicts December 6, 2004, UPI

OSLO, Norway, Dec. 1 (UPI) -- Norway's government has spent huge sums treating drug addicts at a controversial operation run by Scientologists, reports said.

The Narconon center in Denmark, where treatment costs about $30,000, bases its work on teachings by Church of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, Aftenposten reported Wednesday.

However, Astrid Skretting, a researcher at the State Institute for Drug and Alcohol Research, told ANB she fears Norwegian addicts will convert to Scientology after their stay.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | title = Scientologists treat Norwegian addicts | url = | work = UPI | date = December 6, 2004 | accessdate = January 29, 2019 }}