Scientology Book an Open Issue - 1999-05-25

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F354.png Scientology Book an Open Issue May 25, 1999, Polly Sprenger, Wired

A book removed from Amazon's site because of alleged legal troubles is now among the top150 books sold by the online bookstore. The book, a controversial exposé of the Church of Scientology, languished deep in Amazon's list of 4.5 million titles before being dropped in February. A Wired News report on that decision prompted Amazon to reinstate the book late last week.

The book jumped to No. 700 before hitting a high of 148 on Tuesday.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | first = Polly | last = Sprenger | title = Scientology Book an Open Issue | url = | work = Wired | date = May 25, 1999 | accessdate = February 7, 2019 }}