Scientology Slips Through the Net - 1998-05-18

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F354.png Scientology Slips Through the Net May 18, 1998, Judy Bryan, Wired

Depending on whom you ask, last week's verdict in Religious Technology Center v. Keith Henson is either a vote for intellectual property rights or a vote against freedom of information.

But regardless of whom you ask, Henson is in an unenviable position: He faces a US$75,000 fine for violating the Church of Scientology's copyright. And this Friday, the Palo Alto, California, electrical engineer must tell the judge in the case why he should not be held in contempt of court for the Web posting of sealed testimony in the San Jose, California, US District Court trial.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | first = Judy | last = Bryan | title = Scientology Slips Through the Net | url = | work = Wired | date = May 18, 1998 | accessdate = February 7, 2019 }}