Some see Scientology as business - 2007-12-15

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F231.png Some see Scientology as business December 15, 2007, Andrew Tevington, The Oklahoman

Q.I read that Germany has outlawed Scientology, saying it is not a true religion. Why do we, the United States, let it have tax-exempt status as a church and everything else when it's not a religion?

A.The most recent action taken by the Federal Republic of Germany does not outlaw Scientology but may be a precursor to such an edict. German Interior Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said the group will be investigated because "the organization is not compatible with the constitution." The investigation may lead to a ban.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | first = Andrew | last = Tevington | title = Some see Scientology as business | url = | work = The Oklahoman | date = December 15, 2007 | accessdate = February 7, 2019 }}