Why Harper Hates Evidence-Based Data - 2013-09-22

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F0.png Why Harper Hates Evidence-Based Data September 22, 2013, Mark Taliano, Huffington Post

For years now, the federal government has been censuring, muzzling, de-funding, and laying off scientists, librarians, archivists, statisticians, and researchers in its efforts vacate government involvement in core research, and to shift its focus to industry-specific needs.

There are three granting councils that allocate federal funding for research in Canada: the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Council (NSERC), and the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR). In constant dollars, from 2007-2013, base funding for SSHR has decreased by 10.1 per cent; funding for NSERC has decreased by 6.4 per cent; and funding for CIHR has decreased by 7.5 per cent. Meanwhile, NSERC funding aimed at "company-specific" problems has increased (between 2001-2012) by 1178 per cent, while success rates for CIHR grants has dropped by 61 per cent.

The government rationale for the de-funding and transfer of funding is that tax payer-funded research should serve the needs of industry. However, the shift in focus corrupts core research by creating research parameters that compromise thorough examinations of any given hypothesis or premise.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | first = Mark | last = Taliano | title = Why Harper Hates Evidence-Based Data | url = https://www.huffpost.com/archive/ca/entry/harper-defund-science_b_3971531 | work = Huffington Post | date = September 22, 2013 | accessdate = September 16, 2021 }}