Woman accuses Scientology guard of threat - 1995-10-20

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F15.png Woman accuses Scientology guard of threat October 20, 1995, Jane Meinhardt, St. Petersburg Times

According to a report by Clearwater Detective Tom Miller, Perez-Morales complained that she had been threatened by a Scientology security guard, but she was initially afraid to speak to detectives because church members told her police worked "hand in hand" with them. The report's cover sheet indicated that Perez-Morales, who could not be reached Thursday, did not wish to prosecute.

Miller's report described her as shaken. She told detectives she was recruited as a church member by a friend in Mexico and that she moved to Clearwater, Scientology's international spiritual headquarters. But she said she had been harassed continuously since she broke what she called her "billion-year" contract with the church.

She told Miller that a Scientology security guard had said to her, "You're a suppressive, you denigrated the church. We're going to kill you! You will be dead!"

Church spokesman Brian Anderson said Thursday that the police report was inaccurate and illegally "leaked" to the media.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | first = Jane | last = Meinhardt | title = Woman accuses Scientology guard of threat | url = http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/sptimes/access/21346384.html?dids=21346384:21346384&FMT=FT&FMTS=ABS:FT | work = St. Petersburg Times | date = October 20, 1995 | accessdate = January 14, 2017 }}