Moscow Scientology Center Raided - 1999-02-26

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F372.png Moscow Scientology Center Raided February 26, 1999, Anna Dolgov, Associated Press

MOSCOW (AP) _ Police and secret service agents raided the Moscow Scientology center for a second day Friday, seizing files and trying to confiscate reporters' tapes of interviews with movement leaders.

Tax police and other security services spent 16 hours collecting boxes of documents and sealing rooms at the group's headquarters on Thursday and returned Friday to look for more materials and question members.

It was the second raid on the group's Moscow office in less than a year.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | first = Anna | last = Dolgov | title = Moscow Scientology Center Raided | url = | work = Associated Press | date = February 26, 1999 | accessdate = January 14, 2017 }}