Nightmare on the Net - 1997-03-06

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F41.png Nightmare on the Net March 6, 1997, Alan Prendergast, Denver Westword

The confrontation escalated to new heights two years ago, when church officials escorted by federal marshals conducted a series of raids and seized computer equipment in California, Virginia and Colorado, claiming that the owners had obtained unauthorized copies of the secret, upper-level scriptures of Scientology and had distributed the material on the Internet, in violation of copyright and trade-secret laws ("Stalking the Net," October 4, 1995). Attorneys for Bridge Publications and Religious Technology Center, the CSI-affiliated groups that administer the copyrights to Hubbard's published and unpublished writings, also sued or threatened to sue Internet service providers, an anonymous remailer in Finland (a service that allows users to post e-mail anonymously), and dozens of Internet users who posted excerpts of the contested documents online -- triggering gigabytes of outrage that have drawn free-speech activists, computer law experts, hackers and Net-heads into the conflict.

Wikipedia cite:
{{cite news | first = Alan | last = Prendergast | title = Nightmare on the Net | url = | work = Denver Westword | date = March 6, 1997 | accessdate = February 7, 2019 }}