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Pages in category "North99"
The following 147 pages are in this category, out of 147 total.
- A Not-So-Brief History of Racism From Andrew Scheer's Conservative Party - 2018-08-10
- Alberta Conservatives are opening the door to privatized healthcare - 2019-12-05
- Alberta Conservatives support American-style vouchers that would defund public education - 2019-12-03
- American Far-Right Political Group With Connections to Trump Launches at Simon Fraser University - 2018-04-05
- American firm hired by Ford government to privatize welfare services was fined for stealing employee pay - 2020-02-26
- An up-to-date (and growing) list of the worst Conservative candidates - 2019-09-16
- Andrew Scheer finally released his climate policy and it's the same as Doug Ford's - 2019-06-19
- Andrew Scheer joins Trump in criticizing World Health Organization - 2020-04-16
- Andrew Scheer Joins White Nationalist Faith Goldy, Hate Group Members to Endorse Yellow Vests Convoy - 2019-02-19
- Anti-choice group trying to criminalize abortion says Scheer has "impeccable" voting record - 2019-05-23
- Canada Proud spending campaign donations at founder's company, financial filings show - 2019-09-19
- Canada's most corrupt Premier: Doug Ford or Jason Kenney? - 2019-11-27
- Canada's Most Prominent Black Activist Has a Message for White Liberals - 2018-10-15
- Canada's New Partisan Media Are Poised To Ride A Facebook Wave To Election Day - 2019-07-24
- Canada's Yellow Vests Are Importing Tea Party-Style Hate - 2019-02-26
- Canadian Energy Centre paid to sponsor an article apologising for 'climate alarmism' - 2020-07-07
- Canadian news site The Post Millennial blurs line between journalism and conservative 'pamphleteering' - 2019-06-26
- Canadians are disgusted by Postmedia columnist and Jason Kenney's dehumanization of safe injection site users - 2020-01-23
- Canadians ridicule Scheer's 'privilege' comments after discovering $925,000 in expenses covered by the Conservative Party - 2020-02-19
- Conservative Derek Sloan vows to make handguns easier to purchase, allow sales of silencers and ease laws on shooting people - 2020-05-26
- Conservative leadership candidate Derek Sloan embraces Trump policy, attacks those fighting fascism - 2020-06-02
- Conservative leadership candidate O'Toole copying Trump MAGA slogan, critics say - 2020-01-31
- Conservative MP asks female MP if she's ever considered sex work, during discussion about murdered sex worker - 2020-02-04
- Conservative MP attacks Canada's top doctor, promotes xenophobic conspiracy theory - 2020-04-23
- Conservative MP calls for end to COVID-19 measures, pushes misinformation about Trump-promoted drug - 2020-04-15
- Conservative MP Embraces Climate Change Denial, Questions if CO2 Causes Global Warming - 2018-12-18
- Conservative MP promotes far-right conspiracy theory - 2020-08-29
- Conservative MP promotes unsubstantiated conspiracy theory about Wet'suwet'en protests - 2020-02-20
- Conservative MP suggests reopening businesses since COVID-19 deaths mostly impact seniors - 2020-04-14
- Conservative pundit demands ideological litmus test for teachers, calls for mass layoffs - 2019-11-29
- Conservative Senator Appears to Encourage Violence Against Political Opponents at Far-Right Yellow Vests Convoy - 2019-02-20
- Conservative Senator Used Taxpayer Money to Expense Alt-Right Rebel Media Subscription - 2019-02-23
- Conservative-endorsed United We Roll convoy supporters encourage violence against Co-op Refinery picketers - 2020-02-03
- Conservatives across Canada are undermining public education in favour of private, for-profit education - 2019-10-28
- Conservatives across the country are slashing funding for disabled Canadians - 2019-12-13
- Conservatives are furious that Canada is banning assault-style firearms - 2020-05-01
- Conservatives want to reduce the CERB, push Canadians back to work - 2020-05-04
- Corporation that received $55 million tax handout from Kenney relocates to the U.S. - 2019-11-01
- COVID-19 death rates in for-profit Ontario nursing homes almost triple that of public homes - 2020-05-07
- Credit rating agency casts doubt on Kenney's corporate tax cuts - 2019-12-05
- Dark Money in Conservative Politics: The Shadowy American Nonprofit Bankrolling Canada's Conservative Movement - 2018-02-08
- Dark money in oil and pipelines make the water more muddy - 2019-05-09
- Debates Commission Invites Maxime Bernier But Won't Host Climate Change Debate - 2019-09-17
- Did memes effect the 2019 federal election? - 2019-10-28
- Don Cherry interviewed by Fox News host who says immigration makes the U.S. "dirtier" - 2019-11-13
- Donald Trump Jr. retweets video from Rebel Media blogger who ran a white supremacist web store - 2019-06-23
- Doug Ford & Andrew Scheer won't attend Pride - Here's the worst people they'd rather hang out with. - 2019-06-11
- Doug Ford Candidate Andrew Lawton Was Previously Suspended for a Homophobic Facebook Post - 2018-05-01
- Doug Ford compared himself to Tommy Douglas. Nothing could be further from the truth. - 2019-06-13
- Doug Ford gives $165,000 taxpayer-funded patronage jobs to a 26-year-old, Rob Ford's former chief of staff and a failed PC - 2019-06-21
- Doug Ford Pledged to Defund Abortion During Leadership Race, Report Claims - 2019-05-16
- Doug Ford praises Trump, implies he's rooting for his re-election - 2020-02-07
- Doug Ford Stands by Racist, Homophobic Conservative Nomination Candidate - 2018-04-11
- Doug Ford's History Of Flirting With the Alt-Right and White Nationalists - 2018-09-24
- Doug Ford's Parliament Assistant For Education Opposes Sex-Ed, Gay Marriage, Supports Literal Interpretation of Bible - 2018-06-30
- Doug Ford, Jason Kenney Endorse Anti-Immigrant, Far-Right Yellow Vests Convoy - 2019-02-17
- Economists explain why Conservative outrage over deficits is massively overblown - 2019-10-30
- Every Single Similarity Between Doug Ford and Donald Trump - 2018-06-05
- EXCLUSIVE: Former Conservative Party Exec Lobbying For Gun Groups - 2018-07-27
- Explainer: The rise of Canada's right-wing meme pages - 2019-10-17
- Fact Check: Andrew Scheer's Universal Tax Cut doesn't help 9 million Canadians - 2019-09-20
- FACT CHECK: Yes, Kenney's Conservatives are cutting healthcare funding - 2019-12-10
- Far-Right Dark Money: How Rebel Media and the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms Promote Rightwing Causes - 2018-01-28
- Favourite publication of Ford's Energy Minster promotes anti-climate change propaganda, site owner is connected to the Koch brothers - 2019-11-28
- Ford advisor supports American-style charter schools that critics say are "gateway to privatization" - 2020-07-21
- Ford Celebrates Opening of Private American University While Slashing Public Education - 2019-09-17
- Ford's office revokes two patronage appointments 24 hours after claiming they were "highly qualified" - 2019-06-21
- Foreign-owned news network Postmedia endorses Andrew Scheer and the Conservatives - 2019-10-20
- Fraser Institute claims facts matter, then incorrectly cites home province of Canada's Health Minister - 2019-07-03
- Fraser Institute study unintentionally shows why we need more unions in Canada - 2019-12-05
- Harper Trade Deal Could Allow Chinese Corporations to Sue Canada over COVID-19 - 2020-04-21
- Here's How Bad Stephen Harper Was at Appointing Conservative Supreme Court Justices - 2017-12-31
- How American anti-choice groups are working to bring abortion bans to Canada - 2019-05-21
- How Ontarians are being targeted on Facebook with the provincial election under way - 2018-05-13
- How Postmedia is turning into the Fox News of Canada - 2019-08-13
- How The Rebel Infiltrated Postmedia and Conquered Canada's Largest Newspaper Chain - 2019-09-09
- Kenney attacks Canada's top doctor and Health Canada as poll shows his support plunging - 2020-04-14
- Kenney Criticizes Foreign Funding While Lobbying for Foreign Funding From American Hedge Funds, Banks - 2019-09-16
- Kenney demands $1.7 billion from Ottawa, after giving away $4.5 billion to corporations - 2019-11-15
- Kenney expanding private, for-profit healthcare to cut wait-times, but the evidence shows privatization does the exact opposite - 2020-02-03
- Kenney trying to bring dark money back into Alberta politics - 2019-11-27
- Kenney wants to use drugs approved by Trump's FDA. One of those just killed 11 test subjects. - 2020-04-15
- Kenney's "War Room" is a mess. Here are all their controversies so far - 2020-01-08
- Kenney's Alberta budget plan falls apart as oil prices plummet - 2020-03-09
- Kenney's Bill 30 opens door to more private, for-profit healthcare in Alberta - 2020-07-09
- Kenney's budget takes from Albertans while giving to foreign-owned corporations - 2019-10-29
- One of Doug Ford's Backers is Suing A Political Opponent - 2019-03-04
- Ontario Proud launches Canada Proud with aim of taking down Trudeau - 2019-04-25
- Ontario Proud's Election Advertising Was Mostly Funded By Developers - 2018-12-11
- Ontario's Long-Term Care Minister Wanted Healthcare Privatization, Old Tweets Show - 2020-05-26
- Other countries tried Ford's for-profit welfare scheme – it hurt the most vulnerable - 2020-03-03
- Ottawa River Floods Just Killed Someone. Meanwhile, Doug Ford is Cutting Flood Management Funding - 2019-04-21
- Political advocacy group North99 uses misleading petitions to gather voter data - 2019-07-23
- POLL: Nearly 60% of Ontarians believe Doug Ford is corrupt - 2019-07-16
- Polling shows Progressive Conservative voters turning against Ford because of attacks on education - 2020-02-12
- Postmedia's History of Climate Change Denial - 2020-01-27
- Potential Conservative leadership contender says being gay is a "choice", LGBTQ is a "liberal term" - 2020-01-23
- Rebel Media did not have a good night, and this photo proves it - 2019-10-22
- Rebel Media Interviewed Head of White Nationalist Group Martin Sellner, Who Received Money from Christchurch Shooting Suspect - 2019-03-27
- Republicans in the US are criminalizing abortion. Canada's Conservatives want to do the same. - 2019-05-15
- Right-wing groups violently attack Hamilton Pride Parade - 2019-06-18
- Scheer Promises to Stand By Candidates With Racist, Homophobic Past Comments - 2019-09-15
- Scheer Wants Lower Taxes on Beer. Canadians Say They'd Rather Have Free Health Care. - 2019-05-26
- Secret Scheer Strategy Session Included Oil Execs and Trump Official Connected to the Koch Brothers - 2019-04-26
- Stand with Keenan Aylwin against political censorship - 2019-05-31
- Stephen Harper calls for small government, austerity and Canadians are not impressed - 2020-05-13
- Stephen Harper grants interview to ex-Breitbart writer accused of influencing Quebec City mosque shooter - 2018-11-16
- Stephen Harper Joined Gingrich, Giuliani to Deliver Speech to Ex-Terrorist Organization - 2018-07-01
- Stephen Harper Just Backstabbed Canada - And Canadians Are PISSED - 2017-10-28
- Study of COVID-19 drug pitched by Kenney results in 52 deaths - 2020-04-22
- Study shows cutting corporate taxes costs thousands of Canadian jobs - 2020-01-28
- Tax cut for the rich shows Scheer is a Harper mini-me - 2019-09-18
- The 'excessively violent' election ad, paid for by the Manning Centre - 2019-10-12
- The CANADALAND Guide To New Popular, Populist Political Media - 2019-01-06
- The Far Right Dark Money Network Behind Conservative Politics: The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms - 2018-01-26
- The Post Millennial joins Conservative party's online booster club - 2019-07-23
- This Climate Change Denying Rebel Media Reporter Just Got Caught Lying - 2017-11-05
- This Mother's Story Shows How Doug Ford's Cuts Will Put Lives at Risk - 2019-04-23
- Thousands of Raptors Fans Booed Doug Ford at Victory Parade - 2019-06-17
- Top Kenney economic advisor trivializes Nova Scotia mass killings, downplays threat of COVID-19 - 2020-04-28
- Toronto Star's parent company was just bought out – buyers are donors to Maxime Bernier and the Conservative Party, reports suggest - 2020-05-27
- Toronto Sun columnist posts racist attack on Muslims, fake news about Muslim politician - 2020-06-16
- WATCH: Head of Kenney's Energy War Room says their purpose is "disproving true facts" - 2019-12-18
- WATCH: Video shows Scheer uses same talking points as Ford - 2019-09-20
- Western separatist "Wexit" founder is a far-right reactionary - 2019-10-25
- What 35,000 political ads on Facebook reveal about Canada's election-year message battle - 2019-08-21
- What Facebook ad data tells us about the parties' social media strategies - 2019-10-02
- Whistleblower alleges Ontario government directed inspectors to "go easy on" nursing homes, promptly close cases - 2020-05-29
- Will the federal election be strictly Canadian? - 2019-08-12