Category:US State Department

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Lobbyist activity

Religious Technology Center

Year/Period 1999 Mid-Year
Income $160000
Agencies lobbied
US Department of Commerce, US House of Representatives, US Senate, US State Department, US Trade Representative
Doc ID d25aa186-4f15-48b3-aedb-2a6356252edb
Firm Federal Legislative Associates
Client Religious Technology Center
Lobbyist David H. Miller, Stephen Amitay
Issue 1 Germany, Religious discrimination
Issue 2 Intellectual property rights, Sweden
Year/Period 1999 Year-End
Income $100000
Agencies lobbied
US Department of Commerce, US House of Representatives, US Senate, US State Department, US Trade Representative
Doc ID 5eeda137-3677-41e1-9cea-d574ae0db506
Firm Federal Legislative Associates
Client Religious Technology Center
Lobbyist David H. Miller, Stephen Amitay
Issue 1 Germany, Religious discrimination
Issue 2 Intellectual property rights, Sweden
Year/Period 2000 Mid-Year
Income $100000
Agencies lobbied
US Department of Commerce, US House of Representatives, US Senate, US State Department, US Trade Representative
Doc ID 9b4f0eb7-51f8-4c86-9496-f571a286b037
Firm Federal Legislative Associates
Client Religious Technology Center
Lobbyist David H. Miller, Stephen Amitay
Issue 1 Europe, Religious discrimination
Issue 2 Europe, Intellectual property rights
Year/Period 2000 Year-End
Income $100000
Agencies lobbied
US Department of Commerce, US House of Representatives, US Senate, US State Department, US Trade Representative
Doc ID d66e008e-b6ef-4175-a66d-84b08666bea3
Firm Federal Legislative Associates
Client Religious Technology Center
Lobbyist David H. Miller, Stephen Amitay
Issue 1 Europe, Religious discrimination
Issue 2 Intellectual property rights
Year/Period 2001 Mid-Year
Income $100000
Agencies lobbied
US Department of Commerce, US House of Representatives, US Senate, US State Department, US Trade Representative
Doc ID 7dc72ea0-b650-4758-9dc3-91f3b2b7b65d
Firm Federal Legislative Associates
Client Religious Technology Center
Lobbyist David H. Miller, Stephen Amitay
Issue 1 Europe, Religious discrimination
Issue 2 Europe, Intellectual property rights
Year/Period 2001 Year-End
Income $120000
Agencies lobbied
US Department of Commerce, US House of Representatives, US Senate, US State Department
Doc ID 7a938ff7-b571-4bc5-bb89-4b43de34dd43
Firm Federal Legislative Associates
Client Religious Technology Center
Lobbyist David H. Miller, Stephen Amitay
Issue 1 Europe, Religious discrimination
Issue 2 Intellectual property rights
Year/Period 2002 Mid-Year
Income $120000
Agencies lobbied
US Department of Commerce, US House of Representatives, US Senate, US State Department, US Trade Representative
Doc ID eee47aac-317b-4747-85c3-3a9a58e56e08
Firm Federal Legislative Associates
Client Religious Technology Center
Lobbyist David H. Miller, Stephen Amitay
Issue 1 Europe, Freedom to Trade Act, Religious discrimination, Trans-Atlantic Religious Protection Act
Issue 2 Intellectual property rights
Year/Period 2002 Year-End
Income $160000
Agencies lobbied
US Department of Commerce, US House of Representatives, US Senate, US State Department, US Trade Representative
Doc ID cad9c1a4-efa7-4d7e-806c-7834cb551f67
Firm Federal Legislative Associates
Client Religious Technology Center
Lobbyist David H. Miller, Stephen Amitay
Issue 1 Intellectual property rights
Issue 2 Europe, Freedom to Trade Act, Religious discrimination, Trans-Atlantic Religious Protection Act
Year/Period 2003 Mid-Year
Income $160000
Agencies lobbied
US House of Representatives, US Senate, US State Department, US Trade Representative
Doc ID 932b41d5-d44c-49c5-bf91-4291c5149ffb
Firm Federal Legislative Associates
Client Religious Technology Center
Lobbyist David H. Miller
Issue 1 Europe, Religious discrimination
Year/Period 2003 Year-End
Income $60000
Agencies lobbied
US House of Representatives, US Senate, US State Department, US Trade Representative
Doc ID 3d7849ed-213b-446f-b8e6-979624cb34dd
Firm Federal Legislative Associates
Client Religious Technology Center
Lobbyist David H. Miller
Issue 1 Europe, Religious discrimination

Church of Scientology International

Year/Period 2011 2nd Quarter
Income $30000
Agencies lobbied
US House of Representatives, US Senate, US State Department
Doc ID 300404893
Client Church of Scientology International
Lobbyist Greg Mitchell
Issue 1 2011, International Religious Freedom Act Amendments, US Commission on International Religious Freedom
Issue 2 Special Envoy to Near East and South Central Asia
Issue 3 Foreign policy, Pakistan, Religious extremism, US Secretary of State
Issue 4 House Judiciary Committee, Iran, Lautenberg Amendment
Issue 5 Foreign policy, Israel, Tel Aviv arson scandal, US State Department
Issue 6 1990, Council of Europe, European Court of Human Rights, Hungary, United Nations, US Secretary of State
Issue 7 2008, 2009, 2012, Second Chance Act
Year/Period 2011 3rd Quarter
Income $30000
Agencies lobbied
US Department of Justice, US House of Representatives, US Senate, US State Department
Doc ID 300428765
Client Church of Scientology International
Lobbyist Greg Mitchell
Issue 1 2011, International Religious Freedom Act Amendments, US Commission on International Religious Freedom
Issue 2 2011, Congress, Frank Wolf, Howard Berman, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, US Commission on International Religious Freedom Appropriations Bills 2011
Issue 3 Belgium, Psychological subjection, European Union
Issue 4 1990, Council of Europe, European Court of Human Rights, Hungary, United Nations, US Secretary of State
Issue 5 Child labor, Uzbekistan
Issue 6 2011, 2012, 2016, Second Chance Act
Issue 7 2012, Congress, Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2011
Issue 8 Prison Litigation Reform Act, Rape, US Department of Justice
Year/Period 2011 4th Quarter
Income $20000
Agencies lobbied
US House of Representatives, US Senate, US State Department
Doc ID 300448032
Firm The Mitchell Firm, Inc.
Client Church of Scientology International
Lobbyist Greg Mitchell
Issue 1 2006, 2009, Belgium, Congress, European Convention on Human Rights, European Court of Human Rights, US Secretary of State
Issue 2 Christian, Iran, US Secretary of State
Issue 3 Congress, France, Miviludes, US Secretary of State
Issue 4 1990, Congress, Council of Europe, European Court of Human Rights, Hungary, United Nations
Issue 5 2011, US Commission on International Religious Freedom Appropriations Bills 2011
Issue 6 2011, Foreign policy, Religious extremism, International Religious Freedom Act Amendments, US Commission on International Religious Freedom
Year/Period 2012 1st Quarter
Income $20000
Agencies lobbied
US Commission on International Religious Freedom, US House of Representatives, US Senate, US State Department, White House
Doc ID 300466586
Firm The Mitchell Firm, Inc.
Client Church of Scientology International
Lobbyist Greg Mitchell
Issue 1 Congress, US Commission on International Religious Freedom, White House
Issue 2 2002, 2011, 2012, Congress, Extremism Law, Russia, Russian Supreme Court, Shanghai, Terrorism, US Commission on International Religious Freedom, US Secretary of State
Issue 3 Nigeria, US Secretary of State
Issue 4 Congress, International Religious Freedom Roundtable, The Mitchell Firm
Issue 5 Congress, Council of Europe, European Court of Human Rights, Hungary, United Nations
Issue 6 2012, Kazakhstan, US Commission on International Religious Freedom
Year/Period 2012 2nd Quarter
Income $20000
Agencies lobbied
US Commission on International Religious Freedom, US Department of Justice, US House of Representatives, US Senate, US State Department, White House
Doc ID 300486233
Firm The Mitchell Firm, Inc.
Client Church of Scientology International
Lobbyist Greg Mitchell
Issue 1 Congress, Foreign policy, US Commission on International Religious Freedom
Issue 2 2002, 2011, Congress, Extremism Law, Russia, Russian Supreme Court, Shanghai, Terrorism, US Secretary of State
Issue 3 2007, Green card, SAFE Act opposition, Terrorism
Issue 4 2012, Russia, Magnitsky Act
Issue 5 US Secretary of State, IRF Report, CPC List
Issue 6 Dutch, US Solicitor General, Alien Tort Statute
Year/Period 2012 3rd Quarter
Income $20000
Agencies lobbied
US Commission on International Religious Freedom, US House of Representatives, US Senate, US State Department
Doc ID 300514668
Firm The Mitchell Firm, Inc.
Client Church of Scientology International
Lobbyist Greg Mitchell
Issue 1 Congress, US Commission on International Religious Freedom, US State Department
Issue 2 2011, 2012, Foreign policy, Congress, Kazakhstan, US Commission on International Religious Freedom
Issue 3 Congress, Hungary, Congress, Foreign policy
Issue 4 Pakistan, Religious extremism
Issue 5 Iran, White House, US Secretary of State, Iran state-sponsored persecution of its Baha’i minority resolution
Issue 6 1990, 2012, Congress, Religious worker, EB-5, E-verify and Special Immigrant Nonminister Religious Worker Programs Extension Bill
Year/Period 2012 4th Quarter
Income $20000
Agencies lobbied
US Commission on International Religious Freedom, US House of Representatives, US Senate, US State Department
Doc ID 300540672
Firm The Mitchell Firm, Inc.
Client Church of Scientology International
Lobbyist Greg Mitchell
Issue 1 Congress, Europe, Hungary
Issue 2 1998, Foreign policy, International Religious Freedom Act of 1998, Religious extremism, Terrorism
Issue 3 2012, Kazakhstan, United Nations, Category:UN Special Rapporteur, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Issue 4 Russia
Issue 5 Austria, Europe, FECRIS, France, Germany, Russia
Year/Period 2013 1st Quarter
Income $20000
Agencies lobbied
US Commission on International Religious Freedom, US House of Representatives, US Senate, US State Department
Doc ID 300561616
Firm The Mitchell Firm, Inc.
Client Church of Scientology International
Lobbyist Greg Mitchell
Issue 1 Congress, Kazakhstan
Issue 2 Congress, Europe, European Convention on Human Rights, Hungary
Issue 3 Congress, Iran, US Secretary of State, US State Department
Issue 4 Congress, Russia
Issue 5 Africa, Chris Smith (Politician), Congress, Europe, House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee
Year/Period 2013 2nd Quarter
Income $20000
Agencies lobbied
US Commission on International Religious Freedom, US House of Representatives, US Senate, US State Department
Doc ID 300586053
Firm The Mitchell Firm, Inc.
Client Church of Scientology International
Lobbyist Greg Mitchell
Issue 1 Europe, Greece, US Secretary of State
Issue 2 Bangladesh, Congress
Issue 3 Congress, Kazakhstan
Issue 4 2002, Congress, Extremism Law, Russia
Issue 5 Congress, Europe, European Convention on Human Rights, Hungary
Issue 6 Berlin Wall, Congress
Issue 7 China, White House
Issue 8 China, Congress
Year/Period 2013 3rd Quarter
Income $20000
Agencies lobbied
US Commission on International Religious Freedom, US Department of Defense, US House of Representatives, US Senate, US State Department
Doc ID 300605972
Firm The Mitchell Firm, Inc.
Client Church of Scientology International
Lobbyist Greg Mitchell
Issue 1 USCIRF Ambassador-at-Large, Congress, Foreign policy, International Religious Freedom Act of 1998, US Secretary of State, US State Department
Issue 2 Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Russia
Issue 3 Kazakhstan, Religious extremism
Year/Period 2013 4th Quarter
Income $10000
Agencies lobbied
US Commission on International Religious Freedom, US State Department, White House
Doc ID 300625571
Firm The Mitchell Firm, Inc.
Client Church of Scientology International
Lobbyist Greg Mitchell
Issue 1 Malaysia, Religious extremism
Issue 2 Foreign policy, USCIRF Ambassador-at-Large, US Commission on International Religious Freedom, US Secretary of State, US State Department
Issue 3 Foreign policy
Issue 5 2011, 2012, Kazakhstan
Year/Period 2014 1st Quarter
Income $10000
Agencies lobbied
US Commission on International Religious Freedom, US House of Representatives, US Senate, US State Department
Doc ID 300646076
Firm The Mitchell Firm, Inc.
Client Church of Scientology International
Lobbyist Greg Mitchell
Issue 1 1999, Congress, Persecution of minority groups within Burma resolution, Myanmar, Religious extremism
Issue 2 2013, 2014, Africa, Eritrea, UN HRC Universal Periodic Review, US Commission on International Religious Freedom, CPC List, IEEPA arms embargo
Issue 3 2012, Africa, Central African Republic, Christian, Muslim, United Nations, USAID
Issue 4 Congress, Council of Europe, European Convention on Human Rights, France, Legal, Rudy Salles
Year/Period 2014 2nd Quarter
Income $20000
Agencies lobbied
US Commission on International Religious Freedom, US House of Representatives, US Senate, US State Department, White House
Doc ID 300667655
Firm The Mitchell Firm, Inc.
Client Church of Scientology International
Lobbyist Greg Mitchell
Issue 1 Council of Europe, European Convention on Human Rights, France, Legal, Rudy Salles
Issue 2 1998, Pakistan, International Religious Freedom Act of 1998, US Commission on International Religious Freedom, CPC List, US Secretary of State, Congress
Issue 3 2013, 2014, Report of the Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in DPRK, North Korea, United Nations, US Secretary of State
Issue 4 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, International Religious Freedom Roundtable, Kazakhstan, Congress, UN Special Rapporteur
Issue 5 2014, Congress, John Kerry, Religious extremism, USCIRF Appropriations Bills 2014, US Secretary of State, US State Department
Issue 6 Foreign policy
Year/Period 2014 3rd Quarter
Income $20000
Agencies lobbied
US Commission on International Religious Freedom, US House of Representatives, US Senate, US State Department, White House
Doc ID 300686836
Firm The Mitchell Firm, Inc.
Client Church of Scientology International
Lobbyist Greg Mitchell
Issue 1 2014, Congress, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, USCIRF Appropriations Bills 2014, US State Department
Issue 2 2014, Congress, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Foreign policy, International Religious Freedom Act of 1998, USCIRF Appropriations Bills 2014
Issue 3 Foreign policy
Issue 4 2014, Congress, Myanmar, Persecution of minority groups within Burma resolution, Religious extremism, UN Special Rapporteur, Washington Post
Issue 5 China, Gao Zhisheng, New York, United Nations
Year/Period 2014 4th Quarter
Income $20000
Agencies lobbied
US House of Representatives, US Senate, US State Department
Doc ID 300707973
Firm The Mitchell Firm, Inc.
Client Church of Scientology International
Lobbyist Greg Mitchell
Issue 1 2014, Christian, Foreign policy, Iraq, Syria, Congress, Washington
Issue 2 2014, 2015, Congress, USCIRF Ambassador-at-Large, US Commission on International Religious Freedom
Issue 3 2014, 2015, USCIRF Appropriations Bills 2014
Issue 4 1998, 2014, International Religious Freedom Act of 1998, USCIRF Appropriations Bills 2014
Year/Period 2015 2nd Quarter
Income $20000
Agencies lobbied
US House of Representatives, US Senate, US State Department, White House
Doc ID 300746977
Firm The Mitchell Firm, Inc.
Client Church of Scientology International
Lobbyist Greg Mitchell
Issue 1 2015, USCIRF Appropriations Bills 2015, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, Sectarian abuse, Religious extremism, International Religious Freedom Act Amendments, US Commission on International Religious Freedom, CPC List, Foreign policy, National security, Terrorism
Issue 2 2015, Congress, USCIRF Appropriations Bills 2015, US Commission on International Religious Freedom
Issue 3 Special Envoy to Near East and South Central Asia, Congress, White House, Iraq, Syria
Issue 4 2012, Congress, Magnitsky Act, Sectarian abuse, Russia
Issue 5 1990, 2015, Congress, Special Immigrant Nonminister Religious Worker Program Act
Issue 6 2011, Kazakhstan, UN Special Rapporteur
Issue 7 Bahrain, Muslim
Year/Period 2015 4th Quarter
Income $20000
Agencies lobbied
US Commission on International Religious Freedom, US House of Representatives, US Senate, US State Department, White House
Doc ID 300784357
Firm The Mitchell Firm, Inc.
Client Church of Scientology International
Lobbyist Greg Mitchell
Issue 1 2015, USCIRF Appropriations Bills 2015, US Commission on International Religious Freedom
Issue 2 Christian, Iraq, Muslim, Religious extremism
Issue 3 Congress, ISIL atrocities against minorities joint resolutions, Iraq, Syria
Issue 4 USCIRF Appropriations Bills 2015, UN ICC, Foreign policy, Germany, United Nations, US Commission on International Religious Freedom
Issue 5 2015, Christian, Iraq, Muslim, Syria, Ukraine, International Religious Freedom Act Amendments, Sectarian abuse, Religious extremism, CPC List, US Commission on International Religious Freedom, Foreign policy, US State Department, US Commission on International Religious Freedom, Terrorism
Issue 6 2011, Kazakhstan, UN Special Rapporteur
Year/Period 2016 1st Quarter
Income $20000
Agencies lobbied
US House of Representatives, US Senate, US State Department, White House
Doc ID 300803638
Firm The Mitchell Firm, Inc.
Client Church of Scientology International
Lobbyist Greg Mitchell
Issue 1 Congress, ISIL atrocities against minorities joint resolutions, Iraq, Syria
Issue 2 1948, 2016, Christian, Europe, Iraq, John Kerry, Muslim, Syria, United Nations, US Secretary of State, Religious extremism
Issue 3 2015, International Religious Freedom Act Amendments, Iraq, Muslim, Syria, Ukraine, US Commission on International Religious Freedom, CPC List, US State Department

See also

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